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Year: 2014

FaceKey Biometric Access Control Reduces Customer Costs and Increases Integrator Profits

Cost and the level of security access control are always of key importance to customers.  FaceKey’s biometric access control products offer integrators a new solution:  a higher level of security and cost savings for customers and larger profit margins for integrators.  The design of the system reduces costs for both the customer and the integrator….

United Security Alliance, Tampa, FL likes FaceKey’s Biometric Products

United Security Alliance, Tampa, FL likes FaceKey’s Biometric Products

Under the vision and direction of President Terry Ottinger, United Security Alliance ( has created comprehensive turnkey programs nationwide that have withstood the test of time since 1985.  Based in Tampa, FL, Terry is a believer in training for personnel, using the best technology, to provide  a turnkey solution that includes design, installation, service, and support….

Biometrics: Knowing “WHO” Matters

Biometric technologies increase security, reduce risk and make us safer because knowing “who” matters if you are really serious about safety and security. Commonly thought to be new technology, biometrics was used as early as 30,000 years ago, when authors of paintings on cave walls left their signature handprints to identify themselves.  In 1891  fingerprints…